Conen Sigl Architekt:innen: Living at Westhof, Hochbord, Dübendorf - best architects 24

Conen Sigl Architekt:innen

Living at Westhof, Hochbord, Dübendorf

best architects 24

multi-family homes


Zurich, Switzerland


Roman Keller


The housing project with communal uses was built on the site of a former market garden. The centrepiece is a communal courtyard, which is formed by three building sections. The building at the head of the ensemble turns slightly to open up the courtyard to the neighbourhood. A narrower wing shields the ensemble from the noise of the train tracks by means of an identity-forming, soundproof glazed pergola structure on the third floor. Finally, the main building faces across the railroad line towards a nature reserve. On the flat roof of the wing building, a semi-public level has been created as a meeting place for the entire neighbourhood. A public staircase provides direct access to the courtyard. The volumetric configuration defines different outdoor spaces with specific qualities. To the north and south, there are a multipurpose hall and a bistro that serves as a neighbourhood meeting place. In the west there are community gardens for the residents. References to the former gardening business and the commercial past are incorporated into the architectural design, prompting the choice of robust and simple materials. The balcony layer facing the inner courtyard forms a filigree plane, which gives the house its subtlety. The project allows for affordable, self-managed and sustainable living and working for a variety of uses and a mixed resident population.