Hermansson Hiller Lundberg Arkitekter
Trilling student housing
best architects 24
multi-family homes
Karlskrona, Sweden
Johan Dehlin
Located on a rocky site
in Kärrtorp, a functionalist Stockholm suburb from the 1950s, the project
consists of student housing in three long building volumes placed perpendicular
to the street. Navigating the topography and programme, the project balances
modernist planning logic and formal investigations into colour, division,
composition and order. The façade treatment echoes some of the façade themes
employed in the nearby Kärrtorp town centre. A geometric pattern of painted
plaster orders the façade, becoming with the addition of a more expressionist
element of colour and geometry a playful riff on the architecture of Kärrtorp. Along
the street, a shallow colonnade structures the urban relationship, whereas along
the dramatic cliff, the subdivided volumes of the buildings climb up and meet
the natural ground on different levels.