nuak: Kindergarten and day school Depotstrasse Bern - best architects 22


Kindergarten and day school Depotstrasse Bern

best architects 22

education buildings


Bern, Switzerland



Thomas Telley


The timber building provides space for three kindergarten groups and a day school in the Länggasse residential neighbourhood. The façade design oscillates between a pavilion and villa typology. The wooden structure with its overhanging canopies is reminiscent of typical school buildings, while the volume, the delicate proportions and the colouring reflect the surrounding buildings. In the elongated site, the meandering development of the façade generates varied spaces and high quality niches in the interior and exterior. The spatial profile around the infrastructure core can be divided into flexibly usable spatial units with sliding doors. Changing parapet heights allow work at the table as well as play niches in the window reveals. The flowing sequence of rooms creates great freedom in the appropriation of the experience and learning space and is exemplary for the architectural design of a creative learning environment. A double-storey area connects the main level of the day care with the rooms and the roof terrace on the first floor. Wall surfaces and prefabricated ceiling elements in spruce characterise the room atmosphere around the concrete core in board formwork. The carpentry work creates splashes of colour in the fragrant timber surfaces. Dark blue linoleum floor surfaces creates a room continuum. The certified Minergie-P-Eco building contributes to a sustainable built environment.