VIB ARCHITECTURE: Silos 13 – Cement Distribution Center - best architects 16


Silos 13 – Cement Distribution Center

best architects 16

commercial/industrial buildings


Paris / France




The initial undertaking was to »design« this industrial project located 5 metres from Paris’s eastern ring road and make it fit into the new Bruneseau North urban district at the end of ZAC Rive Gauche’s large development area. At one stage, the architects had one weekend to design a whole new project. That called for a bold and minimal concept. Each element of the programme is inserted into one of the five different silos. The building has been transformed into a unique work space, dedicated to the material it contains: the silos, the stairs, the offices, the quality control centre and the floors are all made of concrete. One becomes instantaneously overwhelmed by the mass of the project. It is alive, with bodies rising from the ground and attracting each other to form one unique place.