Schneider & Schneider Architekten
Aarenau residential development
best architects 16
multi-family homes
Aarau / Switzerland
Heinricht Helfenstein
The large property on the north bank of the Aare River is divided into eight plots for individual development, connected by green areas between them. To commence building, a design concept was developed for Construction Site 1 that responds to and reinforces the spatial qualities of the setting. Elongated residential buildings were erected along the outer edges of the plot to create a large wooded courtyard. By concentrating the buildings at the edges of the site, the most could be made of the available building area while also allowing for generous outdoor spaces that ensure an ample supply of daylight to the apartments and distant views out onto the countryside. The combination of rental flats with condominiums and terraced houses produces a diverse mix of housing types. The buildings are of different heights to blend into their environment and create a subtle transition to the existing clubhouse.