jutta heinze
Krematorium Waldfriedhof Duisburg
The new crematorium in the forest cemetry combine at central place public and internal facilities for funeral. The aim of the new building is to create a visible and spatial experience for a new consciousness of death. The possibility to stay alone or in community with the decedents, required an extraordinary space. The conception is characterised in particular by an architectural idea. The complex programm, differentiates in size, function and quality, should combine to an abstract structural body. The small-part, multicoloured bricks, which are not at all perfect, generate a protective skin about the whole new building. Under inclusion of the old funeral hall a shape was formed with structural heights, which are occupied with different functions and which are organized in a kind that a separation was possible between internal and public space. A covered exterior hall is located between the heights and orientated to the forest. This space vary by light, shades and climate so that colors and materials appear different, and should make contemplative experience possible.